
We are delighted that you are considering baptism at St. Michael’s Church. We hope that these notes will assist you and your chosen godparents to prepare for this important occasion and make it more meaningful for you.

Before The Service

The baptism will usually take place during the main service on Sunday, which begins at 10.30am and usually finishes at around 11.40am. While we understand that it is sometimes difficult to organise everyone early in the morning, we do hope that the parents and godparents/sponsors will make every effort to come to this service.

Baptism families bringing small children to the service will find a warm welcome. Please ask a steward on duty if you would like to know where to go or if there is anything that you need to make your visit to St. Michael’s more comfortable.


There is parking available in the church car park or on the grassed area in front of the church.

The Baptism

The baptism takes place during the 10.30am Service just before sharing of the peace, with parents and godparents invited to gather around the font for the actual baptism. We ask the parents and godparents to stand together. You will be given an order of service and guidance as to what to say and when.

One of the symbols used in baptism is a lighted candle, representing the new light of Christ that has come to the newly baptised. The Church provides a plain candle, but it is possible for you to bring your own if you wish.

We hope that you will keep the candle and light it on the anniversary of the baptism, as a reminder of the ceremony.


We understand that you may like to have some photos or a video taken of the occasion. We would like you to nominate just one person to take photographs or video.

The use of flash is not permitted during a service, but you may take as many posed or spontaneous photos as you like afterwards.


There is no fee for baptism. It is a privilege for us to be able to offer this sacrament. If you wish, however, to make a donation, you may put it in the offering plate that is circulated during the service or give it to the priest who takes your baptism service.


You will receive a certificate of baptism as an official record, and godparents will also be given a card reminding them of the date and the responsibilities they have undertaken on the child’s behalf. In order to provide these, we will need you to fill out full details on the Baptism Application Form, which can be downloaded here: Baptism Application

Alternatively, we can send out the form on request by post when you make your booking. Please make sure you complete and return this form to us.

From Now Onwards

St. Michael’s Church congregation is a welcoming group of people, and we hope that you will want to see us again! After all, baptism isn’t just a ceremony for one day, but the beginning of a relationship. We would like to stay in touch.

We will invite you to the special annual services, especially for children on 24 December and at Easter. These services are particularly child friendly and many adults enjoy them too. However, you are also welcome to join us at all other times too. People of all ages will always find a warm welcome at St. Michael’s every Sunday.

Our love and prayers are with you as you prepare for this happy occasion.