Online Giving

To make a payment online click the link below.

Donate Now

In the donation type, select Parishes.

Then type Spearwood in the Parishes tab.

Complete the form with your details and click next.

Donate Now

Thank You.

You can choose to donate to any Anglican Parish or Anglican organisation online by using the simple drop down box in the donation page to find the organisation you wish to donate to.

Donations can be made by debiting either your bank account with any bank or debiting your credit card. Please note: credit card donations incur a 1% fee which will be deducted from the donated amount (by our service provider) whereas with donations made through your bank account, the full amount of the donation will be received by the beneficiary.

This is an easy and secure way to donate Donate Now

You can donate by Visa Card, MasterCard or Direct Debit, simply use the drop down box.